Saturday, November 20, 2010

Eid ul Adha

Kurbani Means "The Ultimate Sacrifice" and The Core Ritual of Eid ul Adha to Muslims
This lens will focus on a simple guide through what kurbani eid/ eid ul adha means. This lens will be helpful to everyone who has little to no knowledge on this ritual.

Hundreds of years ago Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim in Arabic) was in the ultimate test to sacrifice his only son "Ismael" -it was a tough decision to make, as Abraham had only one son. Abraham was 86 when Ismael was born (yeah because that time human lived hundreds of years and were much taller than human in today's world)

Satan tried to trick Abraham in sacrificing Ismael's life "...if he (God) likes you, he will save Ismael's life." Abraham went to sacrifice Ismael; Ismael accepted his fathers decision. When Abraham put the knife on Ismael's throat and cut him, Ismael was replace with a Lama/goat like animal, and the Lama was sacrificed instead of Ismael.

Thus the "Ultimate Sacrifice" has been made and after that for thousands of years, until now Muslims are sacrificing animal annually on the Eid ul adha.

Eid ul adha is the ritual to memorate the example of Abraham.

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